Monday, October 24, 2016

WDRB covers Tiny UofL Fan Cheers for the Wrong Team

    When watching the 10:00 news on WDRB, I noticed a teaser for a viral video of a crying toddler. This ended up being the very last story on the news. This story was about a young UofL fan in tears apologizing in her fathers arms for cheering for "the wrong team". She cries, claiming that she had forgotten what they were named. So, she accidentally cheered for the cats, her team, the Cardinals, biggest rival.
    Why did this story make the news? It is a viral video that has no significance to the community. This video would more likely belong on "America's Funniest Home Videos" than the nightly news station. This story violates one of the most important Elements of Journalism, Make the Important Interesting, and one of the Yardsticks of Journalism, Newsworthiness.
    The yardstick, Newsworthiness requires the journalist to question, "will the story have a long lasting effect on people?". It is clear that this story has no effect on anyone whatsoever, other than a smile for maybe one minute.

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